Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February Update

I really just wanted to check in because I am realizing that the month is coming to an end and I have had only 1 post this month. Such a slacker.

*Hunter still doesn't have any teeth but we've started to feel bumps so at least we know he will have teeth...eventually

*He's started cruising a bit. Just along the sofa and coffee table but he's starting to get this walking thing slowly but surely. And he'll stand for about 10 seconds on his own before he realizes he's on his own and quickly grabs for the nearest stationary object

*EC training is going really well. Although it's more observation than communication at this point. He definitely understands what to do on the potty and I sincerely hope it continues. Not having to deal with poopy cloth diapers is awesome

*My birthday is in 4 days. I'm one of those people that loves birthdays and I like to celebrate for the whole week, but it's no fun without Adam here

*As of Saturday Adam's home for at least 2 weeks! He may go back to San Diego, but who knows. His year is looking CRAZY busy

*Adam and I are going out for lunch on my birthday, sans Hunter, and it will be the first time we've had a non family member watch him. I'm a bit nervous, but we've known Natalie for almost 5 years and her boyfriend is one of Adam's good friends so there's not really anything to worry about

*I had to go jean shopping last week because I am down another pant size. I realized this a few weeks ago when I was sitting on the ground at the park with some mommy and baby friends when a woman behind me motioned to my friend and told her to tell me to pull up my pants. Mortified! I knew I was sagging, but I didn't realize my ass was so offensive

*My friend Heather started a really cool blog this month. She has a different goal for each month and she will blog about it daily. This month her goal was to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I happened to have that DVD and was so inspired I have been doing it as well. It's been so good for me, I think I actually found my abs

*Getting in better shape has motivated me to eat better so I started Weight Watchers. I'm not going to meetings, just following the points program. Basically, I'm just food journalling. But I downloaded a free phone ap and it's been really helpful. I love that I'm not dieting just paying better attention to portion size and what I'm putting in my mouth. Good news, I still get wine

*I haven't run in over 2 months, since a few weeks before Christmas, so I probably won't be completing my resolution to run 1000 miles this year. Oh well. It got really hard to coordinate running around naps and crankiness. My wonderful husband bought me a really nice elliptical trainer right before the holidays. It's been absolutely amazing and I will continue to use it daily but I'm going to start running again next week

*I won't be running the LA marathon next week. I could, and I could probably finish, but my legs would be so pissed. So I'm thinking about running the Las Vegas marathon in December. I'm starting to run again in a whole new kind of shoe and a whole new style of running so I need a good amount of time to adapt

I think that's all the news that's fit to print.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Where's the teef?

I have to start off by telling you that I'm sitting indian-style on the floor right now. I'm so used to being on the ground with Hunter all day I just automatically fall to the floor in the evening rather than the sofa. Oh, and did you notice Hunter's shirt? A little gift from Daddy's trip.

Hunter turns 9 months tomorrow and he's becoming so much fun. He's started moving, not crawling really, it's more like the breast stroke. He can get around pretty well, but it's fairly inefficient. And it's so funny because it was like one day he was totally stationary and the next day he was pulling toys off of his shelf or suddenly under the sofa.

He's getting so big! He was such a tiny guy when he was born, it's crazy to think he's more than tripled in size! Right before Thanksgiving we had to get a new car seat for him because his old one was getting too confining. Unfortunately he wasn't ready for the transition quite yet so he's stayed in the smaller car seat. Luckily most of his length is in his legs so his feet just dangle a bit.

We went to our 9 month appointment today and found out Hunter is way too big for his current car seat that was supposed to last the 1st year. He still has a huge 48 cm head. I wonder if this hinders the crawling at all because he'll get himself up on his knees and then his head goes right to the floor. I'm not kidding, it's like an orange on a toothpick! He tips the scales at close to 23 pounds and he's just over 30 inches tall.

Hunter talks so much these days. He's always babbling and this week he's really stuck on dada. So everyone we see he looks at and he says dadadadada, smiles, then gets shy and turns away. We were at a play group this afternoon and Hunter and his friend, baby Elizabeth, were babbling at each other. It was like they were having a real conversation although all they did was yell dadababararalala back and forth.

He also had his first wrestling match with his friend Hudson. Before, he would cry when he thought Hudson was being too aggressive, today he was able to get all rumble tumble before the tears appeared. He's still not sure about the more aggressive boys, but he's getting more tolerant. Adam was joking that Hunter will be just like his dad, friends with all the girls.

I'm just enjoying him so much. He becomes more wonderful by the day. And the last few weeks have been really rough with Adam gone. Hunter's kept me going, if just because I have to be present for him. I think Hunter understands that dad isn't here and it's affected him as well. But we're in the zone now and we've adjusted pretty well to being alone during the week.

And one final tidbit: still not a tooth in sight!!!! No lumps, no bumps, no swelling or redness. But he still drools like a fountain, runs a low grade fever some days, pulls at his ears and is generally fussy. The doctor assured me that this is all due to teething. But where are these elusive teeth?